Explore Node.js
If you have some programming experience and want to build a backend using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, this course is for you or your team. In this 1.5 day course, you will learn how to create a server with Express including a RESTful API. You will also learn how to store data in MongoDB and enforce the schema with Mongoose. Finally, you will learn to test your application with jest and Cypress.
If you have some programming experience and want to build a backend using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, this course is for you or your team. In this 1.5 day course, you will learn how to create a server with Express including a RESTful API. You will also learn how to store data in MongoDB and enforce the schema with Mongoose. Finally, you will learn to test your application with jest and Cypress.
Who should take this class?
Front-end Developers wanting to learn back-end coding
Back-end Developers moving to Node.js, Express
Full-stack developers moving to Node.js, Express
How to prepare:
A basic understanding of object-oriented or functional programming is expected.
Software development experience is necessary, though it does not have to be with JavaScript.
Before class starts, make sure you have the right tools installed. You will need a browser, an IDE, and Node 16. We recommend Chrome for your browser and VS Code as your IDE.
In terms of Operating System, we recommend Mac, Linux, or Windows System for Linux (WSL) but using Windows without WSL is possible.
Build a Server with Express
Create multiple endpoints
Build a RESTful set of endpoints to create, delete, and update data
Authentication with JSON Web Tokens
Use middleware to check authentication and environment
Send up to date data over Web Sockets
Store Data with MongoDB
Set up a MongoDB Database for storing data
Enforce the schema with Mongoose in Node.js
Read and write records
Write unit tests for authentication middleware
Write API tests with Cypress for the RESTful endpoints
Validate authentication is required for an endpoint with API tests