Golang Essentials
This four day course explores Golang by walking students through the steps to develop a command line application, as well as a web application. Students will learn language fundamentals, core design principles, and advanced topics like generics and concurrency.
Go (Golang) is a popular open-source programming language originally developed by Google in 2009. Since then thousands of businesses and developers have adopted the multi-purpose language to develop products and services in various domains.
This four day course explores the language by walking students through the steps to develop a command line application, as well as a web application. Students will learn the fundamentals of the language, core design principles, and advanced topics like generics and concurrency.
The Basics
Learn how to install Go and set up the environment.
Review language fundamentals such as variables, constants, loops and conditionals.
Understand how to define and call functions,and how to handle multiple return values.
Declare and iterate overarrays, slices, and maps.
Types, Structs & Interfaces
Discover the types and values system in Go.
Learn how to define methods and understand receivers.
Learn about indirectionand howto use pointers.
Learnhow to compose complex types using embedding.
Explore polymorphism in Go with Interfaces.
Packages & The Standard Library
Learn how useGo’s package system.
Get familiar with the Go Standard Library.
Testing & Debugging
Write unit tests using the standard testing package.
Learn how to use the command line tools to run tests and generate coverage reports.
Understand how to create mocks from interfaces to use in testing.
Practice debugging using the Delve debugging tool.
Learn how to handle errors.
Advanced Topics
Learn how to create a Web Application in Go.
Explore Concurrency in Go, and how to use Goroutines, Mutexes, and Channels.
Dive into Generics, Type Parameters,and Constraints.
Who should take this class?
Who Should Take This Course
Developers of all levels who are ready to get started using Go.
Developers or engineering managers who are thinking about using Go for their next project.
How to prepare:
Students should already be familiar with basic programming concepts: variables, statements, functions, arrays, data structures and common programming problems.